China takes back control of real estate

The pandemic has put a strain on the country’s real estate market

Rising prices does not aid the growth momentum of the economy after the pandemic slump. TonyV3112/Shutterstock

Real estate contributes to a fourth of China’s GDP, making it one of the country’s main priorities, according to CNBC. Yet despite the slow growth, the market is said to be going through generally smooth operations, prompting analysts to believe that this is a natural evolution of deleveraging and destocking in recent years. 

The central bank representatives reassured that any of the related risks will  have a local impact, without affecting the rest of the world at all, even with the slow down in construction completion due to the pandemic and financial difficulties.

More: Slow and steady: Mainland China on path to becoming the largest economy in the globe

However, the South China Morning Post reported that the rising prices does not aid the growth momentum of the economy after the pandemic slump.  Both newly completed and second hand homes saw a rise in prices in most cities compared to last year. Transactions are also predicted to shrink this year, making the debt investors and developers made into loans put pressure on the local government authorities and weaker banks. 

To help remedy this, Chinese policymakers got together to discuss the situation, shared the Business Times, wherein they decided on lifting the regulatory restrictions similar to the “three red lines” policy of real estate developers.

Though China has been struggling after the pandemic, authorities have laid the foundation for the country’s recovery. 

The Property Report editors wrote this article. For more information, email: [email protected].

