Dr Teo Ho Pin

Dr Teo Ho Pin holds Independent Directorship positions in 4 Singapore Stock Exchange Public listed firms namely:- Tiong Seng Holdings Limited, ISOTEAM Limited, King Wan Corporation Limited and Broadway Industrial Group Limited. He is also a Senior Advisor to Surbana Jurong Private Limited (Managed Services Division) and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Building at the National University of Singapore. Prior to his present appointments, Dr Teo was the Mayor of the North West District of Singapore (2001 to 2020), and the Member of Parliament for the Bukit Panjang Constituency (1996 to 2020). He was a legislator for 23 years since 1996, and had held Chairman positions in various Government Parliamentary Committees such as National Development, Environment & water resources, Home affairs and Law. In addition, he has over 30 years of experience in Township Management in Singapore.