Dato’ Sr Lau Wai Seang

Dato’ Sr Lau Wai Seang, the RISM President Session 2017/2018, amongst others, admitted the intangible asset valuers as members of RISM and registered the prefix ‘Sr’ of RISM members under Class 42 of the Trade Marks Act 1976 of Malaysia.


She is a registered real estate valuer and is also certified jointly by the Corporation of Intellectual Property of Malaysia (MyIPO) and World Trade Institute (WTI), Switzerland as an Intellectual Property Valuer.


She logged 35 years of service in the Valuation and Property Services Department (JPPH), Ministry of Finance Malaysia. Between 2019 and 2022, she was the Chairman of Ian Scott International (Malaysia), an integrated valuation service provider, licenced from its parent office in UK with the same name.


Royal Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (RISM) recognised her contributions through the Surveyor of the Year 2020 Award.