Noraida is a professional town planner registered with the Board of Town Planners Malaysia with 25+ years’ experience in the built environment industry A senior associate at AJM Planning and Urban Design Group (APUDG), specialising in strategic planning and managing major national and international projects of wide-ranging nature.
She is a thought leader and influencer in sustainable developments, climate change and low carbon cities and was responsible in the development of the Malaysian-owned low carbon cities framework and assessment system (LCCF); a tool and assessment system to measure carbon emission from cities and development. She is passionate about promoting sustainable development, liveable urban environment as well as green lifestyle. She has been and still active in the promotion of sustainable developments particularly to town planners, professionals in the built environment, local authorities, developers and communities, driven by desire to address the negative impact of rapid urban development and climate change. Noraida is also strongly passionate in the conservation of natural and cultural heritage, and has vast experience in preparing conservation management plan for numerous UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Malaysia.
Graduated from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom, Noraida sits on the Malaysian Board of Town Planners and is currently a vice-president of the Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP).